Permission for Students to be left unaccompanied at Jamie Lee Dance Academy Studios
Jamie Lee Dance Academy (JLDA) appreciates that many of our older students will have time between classes or will normally leave the studio’s unaccompanied.
Our new premises have facilities on-site to enable some students to be left unaccompanied: A student lounge with a miniature kitchen facility. This is a small seating area, with a kettle, fridge and microwave.
JLDA will allow parents/guardians to make the informed decision to leave their child unaccompanied if they are 12 years and over. They will then have access to both the student lounge and kitchen.
Please be aware, that JLDA cannot accept responsibility for any injury or harm that may be caused whilst a student is unaccompanied or through use of the kitchen.
Please be aware that the student lounge and kitchen equipment can result in boiling water and the use of electricity. It is also important to note that students must tidy away after themselves. JLDA reserves the right to refuse access to the lounge and kitchen if the area is abused, or unsuitable behaviour takes place.
Should you, as parents/guardians, feel your child is mature enough to cope with these responsibilities, please complete the form below, giving permission for your child to do so. By agreeing for your child to remain on-site unaccompanied or to leave by themselves, you understand that it is the responsibility of the parent, and not that of JLDA.