Pregnancy Disclaimer Form Please fill in this form if you are pregnant and wish to trial or join any of our Adult classes. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Contact Number *Date of Birth and Age (DD/MM/YYYY - XX) *Name & Tel No. of your doctor *Due Date *How many weeks pregnant are you? *We can only take women during their first trimester. *Miscarriage in earlier pregnancy *YesNoAny pregnancy complications now or in the past *YesNoAny problems with exercise before or during pregnancy *YesNoPre-eclampsia *YesNoSymphysis pubis dysfunction *YesNoAny blood pressure problems *High/Elevated Blood PressureLow Blood PressureNoneAny conditions or past injuries, which may limit the range of movement on any part of your body? If so please describe: *Please list any medication you are currently taking: *You now need to agree to the disclaimer below before participating in any of our classes. Please read through and put a tick in the box provided. *I agree *YesNoGDPR Agreement *I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry.NameSubmit